Private Acupuncture Sessions
Acupuncture treatment is a safe and effective. Used for the treatment and prevention for many illnesses. It’s also a powerful tool to generate self-awareness. Acupuncture treatment is the insertion of fine needles into certain points on your body.
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This is a specific set of 5 points on the surface of the ear. This treatment is used to support people dealing with substance use or the effects of natural or emotional disaster, and all kinds of trauma. Frequency of treatment especially in the early stage is critical. The benefits reported by clients and clinicians are improved program retention, a more optimistic attitude toward the process of recovery, as well as reductions in cravings, anxiety, sleep disturbance and need for pharmaceuticals.
Private Acupuncture sessions are an Acupuncture treatment in a private room. The Acupuncturist may include other stems of Chinese Medicine such as cupping. Cupping is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used for relieving acute or chronic pain, colds and allergies. You can also receive cupping massage, which is deeply relaxing and releasing, for tight, sore and stiff muscles.