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Spiritual Healer


Times Available​

Wed | 5-7pm



$50 per session (sliding scale available)



For appointments and questions contact: 

(647) 458-1254 |

Doug Jacobson

The work I do as a spiritual healer is two fold.

I am an instrument or conduit for energy to pass from the spiritual realm to the physical. The people in spirit that I work with come from a realm of five elements, Love, Truth, Honesty, Humility, and Gratitude, which are the basic ingredients of our souls/spirits. In my understanding, there is a piece of spirit at the core of every single cell in our bodies. So, when a person experiences alleviation or elimination of physical pain, that opens the door to them healing on a spiritual level. The choice as to how deeply a person wishes to delve into themselves spiritually, rests entirely with them as everyone has been given the gift of free will and choice. The goal is painlessness which will allow a person to shine with the beauty within, like a flower does.


Doug is ordained into the International Fellowship of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards.

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