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Tips for moving from Fall to Winter

Reflect Take another look at your schedule for this month now before it gets too busy! Seek small to large chunks of time where you could practice Yinspiring activities. Schedule it in, or set an intention to settle into stillness whenever it arrives (bus stop, waiting for an appointment, taking an intentional moment to reflect before turning on Netflix) Rest (when you can) Even 5 min a day of putting your feet up or stretching/meditating/staring at the wall will offer you valuable Yin time.  If possible, take more time once or twice a week to practice the reflection the season offers us. Nourish Plan for some really nourishing meals using fall/winter foods such as:  Kidney beans, walnuts, root veggies, red meat and warming spices such as cinnamon, cumin or cayenne. Making one or two big meals a week (or asking someone to help make it or make it for you) can offer deeper nourishment when we are busy hustling, bustling and getting life done. Make meals for each other where we can and lighten the overall load we each carry. Stay Warm Even with mild weather, keep those scarves on, those socks up and even a warm belly/back warmer for anyone who is perpetually cold.  Wrap up and embrace a hibernation fashion approach to staying warm this winter.

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